2018JDFMemSchFund-SponsorLetter-pdf download
Dear Supporters of Daniel’s Fund,
The J. Daniel Furr Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2009 to help provide scholarships for Transylvania County area college students seeking to improve themselves through higher learning. The Fund mission is also quite passionate about providing resources to help educate and help save young lives at risk by under age alcohol exposure. With proceeds from nine Annual Daniel Furr Memorial Golf Tournaments a total of 100 scholarships exceeding $70,000 have been awarded to students through 2018.
Joe and Sandra Furr lost their 19 year-old son Daniel, on December 27, 2008, due to a tragic alcohol accident. Daniel was a loving son who was very devoted to his family and a loyal friend to many. He had a history of being careful and responsible. With his many plans and dreams Daniel was just days away from starting his sophomore year at Western Carolina University. This unimaginable tragedy was devastating to Daniel’s parents who, like most, never dreamed it could happen in their family. However, each year 1,800 college-aged students die due to unintentional alcohol accidents…about 5 PER DAY in the U.S. 700,000 are injured annually. The Furrs resolved that out of their tragic loss they would try to help many others survive by providing more accessible information and encouraging open communication on the dangers of underage drinking. For many helpful resource links on this subject please visit the Fund website at: www.danielfurrmemorialgolf.com.
On Sunday, October 7th, 2018, the TENTH ANNUAL DANIEL FURR MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT will be held at 1:30PM at Connestee Falls Golf Club in Brevard. Please consider joining us with your support this year. Net proceeds will go to the Fund for the benefit our Transylvania Co. college students. Once again we are seeking broad community participation and your involvement may be as a business sponsor, raffle prize donor, and golfer participation. We also greatly appreciate individual cash donations. An awards banquet BBQ dinner for golfers, supporters, and other friends will follow the tournament at 6:30PM at Atagahi Park in Connestee.
(A). MAJOR SPONSORSHIPS are $500 each which includes a free golf round for 4, placement on the event Main banner, prominent placement on the website, along with the Tournament program, and in print ads.
(B.) HOLE SPONSORSHIPS for $150 each includes tee box signage and notation in Tournament program and website. All sponsors may provide promotional items (pens, coupons, etc) for golfer goody bags.
(C.) INDIVIDUAL DONOR GIFTS are appreciated in any amount you choose.
Last year we had wonderful sponsors, 81 golfers, nice prizes, great food and fun on a cool October afternoon while raising $8,500 in college scholarships. For 2018 we expect 100 golfers, more nice prizes, and plenty of fun for all. Please plan to join us this year with your support. Contact Joe Furr at 828-553-7166 or email jdanielfurrfund@gmail.com. Checks are payable to: J. Daniel Furr Memorial Scholarship Fund, PO Box 190, Penrose, NC 28766. Please make online bank card donations on the Fund website with PayPal.
Thanks so much and God Bless you
email at: jdanielfurrfund@gmail.com