The Annual Daniel Furr Memorial Golf Tournament was a main source of funding for the J. DANIEL FURR MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND from 2009-2018 to provide educational resources for Brevard area college students seeking to improve themselves through higher education.
The heart and soul of the Tournament is to be an asset to and help preserve young lives both in an earthly and in an eternal context while honoring Daniel’s memory. Earthly in the sense that as this generation learns of the effects, risks, and dangers of alcohol usage they will be better equipped to protect themselves and others from injury and premature death along with the many health risks associated with this dangerous drug. We are losing on average 5 college age students EACH DAY due to unintentional alcohol related accidents. Each of us have been created to fulfill an earthly destiny but too often alcohol interferes with or aborts that destiny.
The eternal context is that life is fragile, and it is a precious gift from our Creator. Life can also be very short as we see from Daniel’s story. Thankfully, Daniel had trusted Christ when he was younger…years before the deception came that ultimately caused him to make a mistake. No one is guaranteed 70 years or even one more day. TODAY is the only sure day you still have a choice of where you will spend your eternal life…either in the presence and light of a loving Heavenly Father in heaven or FOREVER separated from Him in darkness. Do not foolishly buy into the lie that life is a party and you can ignore your mortality until you get older without consequences. Jesus said “the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy but I have come that you may have life and life in abundance. He also said “ask, and it will be given to you, seek me and you will find me.” And He said “I am the way, the truth, and the life…no one comes to the Father except by me.” Each of us must decide if Jesus told us the truth or if He is a liar…and if we are willing to chance putting off making that decision. Do we want to ignore His invitation or do we want to accept His free gift of real life. With His amazingly extravagant and unconditional love for us He once paid a huge price so that we can choose. Our choice has ETERNAL consequences.
Daniel’s parents are praying that out of their immeasurable loss that many in his generation will be forever impacted from the lessons his story brings and that the seeds planted in Daniel’s life and death will continually serve many as life long reference points producing everlasting fruit.
“Unless a grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies it remains by itself alone.
But if it dies it produces many others and yields a rich harvest”. John 12:24