On Sunday, October 7, 2012 we had a great turnout at Connestee Falls Golf Club in Brevard, NC. Our heartfelt thanks go to all of you who helped to make 2012 our biggest Tournament so far. We had a total of 119 golfers, 10 Major Sponsors, 26 Hole Sponsors, and many more contributors and volunteers…AND OUR GENEROUS LORD EVEN HELD OFF THE RAIN! These blessings are answers to many months of prayer so our Faithful Heavenly Father recieves all of the Glory. Scholarship net proceeds were $10,460…well above our previous Tournaments.
Top scoring 3 teams won a choice of free golf rounds for 4 at either Lake Toxaway CC, Burlingame CC, or Cummings Cove CC. Prizes were also awarded for Guys & Gals Longest Drives and Closest to the Pin. A $500 Hole-in-One prize was available but went unclaimed. We also enjoyed Gary’s Famous BBQ and George’s Special Brunswick Stew at the Awards Banquet. Please see our “TOURNAMENT PURPOSE” page on this website. Also, a half page detailed recap appeared in the October 15th edition of the Transylvania Times. Please plan to join us again in October of 2013.